If/as climate-related hardships increase, will "climate change" activists seek to blame worsening climate disasters on people of faith?
As/when the climate-related hardships increase, proponents of climate change, as it is defined currently and supported by the science the proponents follow, may be motivated, mostly by fear, to blame worsening climate change on those who deny it exists based on their faith. As an example, the book of Revelation, mentions worsening climate issues and catastrophes, including a severe, world-wide draught, but also mentions “changes in the sun…”, which could lead to changes in Earth’s climate. If proponents believe that opponents to climate change theory are making things worse by blocking or asking for changes in climate change legislation, will those people be looked at as “the enemy” and will their faith be put on trial? The Romans (Nero anyways) blamed the burning of Rome on Christians. The Nazis blamed their economic calamities on the Jews. Is it that far-fetched to believe that during times of fear, intelligent, rational people might not be motivated to look for their scapegoat?